The TSC Inc

International Student Services

In order to help foreign students adjust to their new academic surroundings in Chicago and around the United States, International Student Services is available.

Cropped image of young people of different nationalities holding books and notebooks while waiting for examination

TSC Student Services

We Make Sure Your Presence At Orientations

Even though all first-year and first-year students require orientation, sessions geared at international students are often longer and include additional material. They often explain how the various systems in their new host country function. Some examples of these systems are banking and transportation, to mention just a few. You may obtain a better sense of your surroundings by attending colleges, which often provide field excursions to local towns and cities. Others could use a “buddy system,” where local students assist international students in acclimating to their new location and school.

International Student services

We Facilitate You In Immigration Process

In most cases, the study visa is the primary document required to legally establish an overseas student’s presence in their home country. Undergraduate students in the United States often apply for and are granted the F-1 visa, while students in the United Kingdom use for and are granted the Tier 4 visa. It may be challenging to find one’s way around the immigration regulations of a nation, and it’s easy to get disoriented in the ocean of legal and policy jargon.

Now comes into play our International Student Services. Staff members and academic advisors are well-versed in this topic and have presumably undergone training on how to provide information to and assistance to overseas students regarding it.

Young coworkers working together during meal break. African and latin students using laptop for project

Smooth Accommodation In the US

Moving to a new nation may be a challenging move for some people. In addition to being familiar with the new surroundings, you will also need to train your mind to adapt to the new environment. The Individual Support System (ISS) is a place where people with difficulties come together and find someone who can assist them with whatever academic, cultural, social, or personal problem they may have. Some people may be better at doing this than others.
Because our advisors come from diverse cultural backgrounds and have lived in various countries worldwide, you will feel at ease talking about these topics with us. Additionally, we had fostered a meaningful relationship with each of them before they moved to the United States, so you can trust that we will treat your feedback seriously.

Improved Health Care Facilities

Students’ mental health is becoming an increasingly important topic of discussion in all areas of higher education because of the inextricable link between learning and social situations. The most current numbers are pretty concerning, with some claiming that one in five people have a mental health condition. However, the great majority of these instances go undetected and untreated, which is a particularly concerning trend. As educational institutions work through this delicate and complex topic, they should consider the unique requirements of overseas students. According to the students, the number of mental and stress-related issues they face has been growing. Students from other countries have the extra challenge of adjusting to a new academic setting while coping with language problems, cultural shock, homesickness, financial concerns, and newly acquired personal freedom.

Better Employment Opportunities

Completing a degree program is not intended to serve as the culminating experience of world education. Many overseas students want to find work in the country where they are currently enrolled in educational programs to complete their degrees. Searching for a profession may be challenging, particularly in light of the dense maze surrounding work permits and opportunities for internships.